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MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme (MBSR) is a highly researched and internationally acclaimed programme that helps to cultivate  mindfulness in everyday life, which can lead to improving health and easing stress in day-to-day life.

During this 8-week programme we will explore how you can make mindfulness practice part of your daily life. Exploring what works for you and touch on the science behind what goes on when we experience stress, and why these practices can help reduce stress. Through various meditations, discussion and support relating to your experiences with the meditations, advice on relevant reading material (optional) and daily practice at home in
between classes using guided meditations.


The MBSR programme aims to:

  • Develop the ‘being’ mode of mind, as opposed to our ‘doing’ mode, helping us to deal with the varied challenges of life in a slightly different way and with more choice.

  • Develop awareness of physical and emotional needs, promoting self-care to enhance our quality of health and life in general.

  • Help us respond to our moods and emotions more skilfully, rather than reacting automatically.

Each weekly session will cover topics including different forms of mindfulness practice and how to use mindfulness during experiences that create stress and/or pain.

What’s included?

  •  8 x 2-hour teaching sessions (live on ZOOM) with a small, supportive group

  • ½ Day retreat (live on ZOOM) (optional)

  •  Guided meditation practices every session

  • Opportunities each session for self-reflection and discussion

  • online recordings of practices and accompanying support sheets for you to download and keep

  • Participant’s booklet covering all the information covered in the course

  • Certificate of Completion

November 2023 course dates: Already started 

November  2023 course dates:

  • Thursdays 7:00pm-9:00pm starting on 9th 2023 and continuing on  16th, 23rd, 30th November  and  7th, 14th, 21st, 28th December 2023,  with an optional mini retreat via  zoom on Date TBC  

Price: pay as you can 

To book your  place or if you have any questions please email Rachael at:

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